Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Redding Brothers, rocking God's Words

I have to admit that it always does my heart good to see young people really work at the things that they aspire to.Part of it for me is remembering when I was young and how I tried so hard to be in this business, and seeing all that I worked for come true.
In my case though, I stupidly threw it all away...

In the case of these fellas, believe me, we will be seeing a whole lot of them, if they continue their present course and stay together in love.
Ladies and gentleman sit back and get comfy, it's time to read about 3 fantastic musicians...The Redding Brothers.
Let me start by saying that these guys come from truly one of the nicest familes that I've ever met...all 11 of them.Yep, you read it correctly 11, and from Mom and Dad down to the youngest you won't find a greater family, unless of course you say "goodnight John Boy,"
Anyway, Micah, Josiah and Gabriel ( guitar, bass and drums respectively) have carved out quite a niche' for themselves, by themselves
and in the process have created a huge buzz around West Virginia and in Nashville.
When the Carpenter Ants decided to start doing some gospel music to add to our shows, I was to say the least, skeptical, 9 years later and still going strong with that direction I can't believe that all musicians aren't taking that route.Well the Reddings have taken it to a different level, they're writing songs about the life God intends for us, but they've regenerated the folk era of the 60's and put their own spin on it. The Redding Brothers are rocking God's words. They may not directly quote the Bible but believe me the spirit is definitely in there.
What makes what they do so refreshing is that these brothers are absolutely sincere, there is an honesty to their work that will garner them fans for a long time to come.
The thing that I'm proudest of is through them, they saved a deserving young lady from giving up on life, and helping her to change her life, and to me that's worth the price of admission.
Whoever said that youth is wasted on the young apparently has not been to a Redding Brothers concert...well isn't it time?
Go out and catch the Redding Brothers at a locale near you, you won't be sorry.

Click here for more info on The Redding Brothers .
ps. their website is AWESOME !!!

Support Live music today tomorrow and always.


Blogger Betsy said...

This has to be one of my favorite write ups of the Redding Brothers. :)
Thank you Charlie!! :) :) :)

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for a beautiful way of expressing your approval of my musical grandsons. I am a little prejudiced, of course, so your words mean so much! Mawmaw Redding

6:36 PM  
Blogger Charlie Tee said...

Jo, even though these are your grandsons, you have EVERY right to be excited for them and about them.
It's so rare anymore to see families have true love for each other.We all know the story of Cain and Abel, and you've seen first hand how it can completely destroy the fabric of love, well you and your Husband should be proud to know the legacy that you give in the form of love.Reda and Lawrence are heroes to me in the truest essence of the word.God has blessed your family abundantly, and anyone who knows you is richer for it.God bless you always.
lovingly,Charlie Tee :-)

11:05 AM  
Blogger From Redding Mountain said...

Charlie, thanks so much for your kind words! We love our guys and are glad you do too!

9:31 AM  
Blogger Taylor Kuykendall said...


Check out my own review of The Redding Brothers! It wouldn't be too bad to check out my other posts from The Michael and taylor Show either, seeing as how you don't live too far away. Perhaps you have some advice on future guests?

12:11 AM  
Blogger Taylor Kuykendall said...

suppose you need the address....


12:11 AM  

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