Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Todd Burge, wit wisdom and Will

I've only known Todd for a few years but his music is so serious that I feel as though I've known him forever.
When it comes to speaking about West Virginia positively Todd Burge is the man you want to listen to. He sings with a compassion that can only come from having been born and raised in the Mountain state. His lyrics talk about moving away only to realize that home is the place you'd rather be, a home in Wood County.
I wrote once that Todd to my way of thinking is alot like Ed McMahon formerly of the Tonight Show, he appears to be very serious, but it's all a big set up for the punchline.

Todd Burge just makes me laugh out loud, he has a way of looking at things that many of us take for granted, with a humorous bent. With an eye for detail Todd paints great pictures with his music. Listening to him will put a feeling in your heart that is comparable to feelings you get when you miss something or someone terribly.
One of the things that he sings about with vigor is about leaving home because you see light at the end of your tunnel only to realize that the light you're looking at is the light from your home bekonning you back to your roots...I truly can identify.
When I left New York in 1992 for what I thought were greener pastures, I hadn't ever counted on going through the loss of my Sister, or the loss of the innocense of my city during 9/11. Even though I may not have been directly connected per se' I am a native New Yorker and those events hurt me deeply.
It took the music of Todd Burge's "Wood County Man," to make me realize just how much I missed home, and despite my love for the great state of West Virginia I miss my home...deeply.
To me, it takes real man to admit that he longs for the comfort of his childhood life and the security that being from a place like this can give you.
West Virginia has produced many many great people, and Todd Burge is in line with all of them. His music is profound and it's profoundly funny.
If you've ever listened to artists like the King of the Road, Roger Miller, and singers such as Ray Stevens, then you have the merest inkling of the kind of artist that is Todd Burge.
Todd and his beautiful wife/ life partner Lisa now also have the added blessing of their son Will. Their son has injected Todd's music with even more life, and even more humor. Todd told us through song that even watching movies like Easy Rider can have new meaning when you're watching while changing diapers.
I feel very lucky to call Todd a good friend, he has given all of us lots of needed encouragement, he is a musicians, musician, he is great painter of West Virginia pictures in song.
When you find the time please go and check out one of the states best artists...
if you love this state, you'll be glad you did, for Todd Burge is wit, wisdom, and the Will it takes to be a master storyteller.

This post is also dedicated to Lisa "Miss Leesee" Burge and master Will Burge. Thank you for your unselfish gift to West Virginia and the world of Todd, we are all better for it.

Todd has also joined the ranks of bloggers like me...here is his blog link and his website check them both out.
1.Todd Burge Music
2. Todd Burge.com

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