Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ted Harrison, bottom line quiet dignity.

There are people who walk into your life and immediately cause things to change; your life takes on a better tone, and without realizing it you are uplifted...Ted Harrison is that kind of person.
Long before Ted and I played in the Carpenter Ants together, we attended the same college, and although I'd seen him in school, I didn't know him per se'. Now that I do let me tell you about a man that can make me smile with the mere mention of his name.
James T. Harrison II is one of those people who can astound you with his memory, abilities and his attention to detail, he's a good listener, and a great musician.
Ted is the bassist for my band, the Carpenter Ants, he's a native of St.Albans WV, and gainfully employed for 24+ years for Verizon, the telephone conglomerate.
I never had the joy or pleasure of having a baby brother in real life and so Ted has fit that bill for me just nicely thank you. He is the kind of brother that I always wished that I had as we share alot of the same interests in quite a few things. He is also one of the most decent people that I've ever known, and can be a very quick wit if you give him room.
One of the things that fascinates me about his musical abilities are his ears, Teddy can pick up a melody in nothing flat, and in our musical realm in the Carpenter Ants, that is a necessary entity. Generally speaking, when we learn our material more often than not it's Ted who sets the pace for us to learn it, for me as a saxophonist and as a vocalist that is a Godsend.
As a saxophonist I tend to play a little sharp ( that sound just appeals to me) and playing against a good bass line makes that standpoint very easy, and Ted makes it effortless.
Very often during the course of my day, I think alot about the songs that we do, and I find myself constantly humming the basslines that Ted lays down...they're just fun, PERIOD !!
I truly consider myself a very lucky man in my quest for playing music fulltime, and having friends like Ted has made my journey a palatable one because his abilities, musicianship and more than anything his friendship have illuminated my road ahead.
As most bassists do, in any melody they hold down the bottom of that melody, and in the case of Ted Harrison, the bottom line is quiet dignity, and even more...just a wonderful sound.

You can catch Ted playing with the Carpenter Ants most every Wednesday night at the Empty Glass, 410 Elizabeth St. Charleston WV 25301

Also check him, and us out on our CD's:
"Long Live the Queen."
"Picnic With the Lord."
"The Insect Ball." (EP)


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